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The complete history of Omega Replica Watches

007 has a long history of owning the world's most sought-after watches; and promises to save the world in the past 57 years. It can be said that any watch that a super spy chooses to wear must be prepared to stand the test of time.

With the release of the new Omega watches, we think we will carefully study the history of James Bond watches over the years.

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Luxury Omega Replica Watches News Release

Omega watches dominate the Do head in the early 007 market In 1962, James Bond first appeared on the screen in the classic film "Dr. No." Bond, played by Sean Connery, is adorned with a piece of Omega on his wrist while searching for "Doctor No." 6538 was also used with Love, Goldfinger and Thunderball in the movie "From Russia". In Thunderball, Bond actually wore two watches because he was using a time tracking watch-but when he needed a Geiger counter, he used an improved watch.

In 1969, the Secret Service under Queen Je released the movie, featuring Australian actor George Ratzenby (007.

Roger Moore's James Bond debuted in 1973. He played in "Live and Let Die" and its follow-up "The Man with the Golden Gun" 007. The film features the Omega Replica, which is equipped with a series of gadgets and other features added by Q. For the first time, 007 has a watch that not only has a chronograph function, but the Omega Replica Watches also has a circular function. A saw and a built-in magnet can deflect the bullet.

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